FRWA Intake Facilities

Sacramento, CA

69kV Substation to Supply Freeport Pumping Plant

Southern States Circuit Switches, Mechanical Switches/Disconnects, and Steel Structures. Supplied Keystone Substation Relay Panels and Dead End; Switches, Metering Units, Bus Material, Connects, and Anchor Bolts.

Roscoe Wind Project

Roscoe, TX

Kiowa 345kV Interconnect Yard utilizing Distran Packaged Substation Structures including Dead End Structures, Bus Supports, Switch Supports, and Foundation Design for Structures. Control building provided by Lectrus, Relay Panels by Keystone and ABB 345kV Breakers.


Roscoe Wind Park

Roscoe, TX

Pacific Ethanol

Stockton, CA

69kV Substation