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- LGE represents BORRI in California, Hawaii, Nevada, and Guam.
- BORRI was founded in 1932 in Bibbiena, Tuscany, Italy. Since the beginning, BORRI’s activity involved design and manufacturing of electric equipment for industrial applications. Since the 60’s the main activity has been in the field of power conversion, both for domestic and export markets, with thyristor rectifiers and battery chargers, thyristor and ferroresonant inverters.

- LGE North represents Distran Packaged Substations in California, Hawaii, and Northern Nevada.
- Covering all aspects of the physical design of outdoor, open-air substation projects from 5kV to 500kV, DIS-TRAN’s core services include scoping, budgeting, comprehensive engineering, and detailed design. In addition to custom substation projects, DIS-TRAN also offers factory-built substations, industrial power stations and interconnections for renewable energy projects.
- LGE represents Hitachi ABB Power Grids in California, Guam, Hawaii, and Northern Nevada.
- Hitachi ABB Power Grids is a global leader in power product and system technologies. Our solutions improve the efficiency, productivity, and quality of our customers’ operations while minimizing environmental impact. Hitachi ABB Power Grids power products offer a complete range of equipment across voltage levels. ABB power systems offer a turnkey solution for traditional and renewable energy based power generation plants, transmissions grids, and distribution networks.
- LGE North represents Keystone Electrical Manufacturing Co. in California, Hawaii, and Northern Nevada.
- Keystone Electrical Manufacturing Co. is a leading manufacturer of electrical control panels, custom medium voltage systems including switchgear and power centers, and fully assembled substation control centers. Since its founding in 1964, the company has pioneered innovative manufacturing practices for the electrical generation, transmission, and distribution markets.

- LGE North represents MGM Transformer Co. in California, Hawaii, and Northern Nevada.
- MGM Transformer Company was established in 1975 as a dry transformer manufacturer. By 1990, MGM had grown to become the largest independent transformer manufacturer west of the Mississippi.

- LGE South represents Myers in Southern California
- Myers Power Products, Inc. is dedicated to providing its customers with products that meet or surpass industry standards for quality, reliability, and performance. Whether designing and manufacturing electrical distribution products, emergency power systems, medium voltage switchgear, powerhouses or lighting products, our commitment to customer satisfaction forms the foundation of our ongoing success.

- LGE represents NEPSI in California, Northern Nevada, Hawaii, and Guam.
- NEPSI manufactures medium voltage (2.4kV through 34.5kV) metal-enclosed power capacitor banks and harmonic filter banks for power factor correction. Other products include MV TVSS, RC Snubbers, & motor surge suppression.